
composition for piano trio

A Fräulein, that did not particularly stand out among the better gentlemen anywhere, because it had only an average figure and an average face, not unpleasant, but also not pretty, just nice. Until a few weeks ago, she had worked in the office of a car rental company, but then, out of the blue, she suddenly became unemployed as a result of the disastrous economy. Despite everything, Miss Pollinger remained good-natured and did not close herself off to the gentlemen.

This is how the stories of Fräulein Pollinger, set in Munich, begin, which the director adapted from drafts by Horváth. It is about hunger, love, life and daily survival in particular in an economic crisis not dissimilar to today. To which Miss Pollinger certainly has her own thoughts. Horvath shows, laconic, pitiless, but also humorous a round of failed existences and messed up personalities or – as the Viennese critic Kurt Kahl put it – a “bestiary of German misery” at the end of the twenties.

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Aus Dir Ausradiert
Die Einsamkeit Ist Wie Regen (2)
Ein Breiter Fluß, Tief Unten In Der Ebene
Entr` Act
Kino Underscore