Ein Fräulein Wird Verkauft

composition for string quartet

That evening, Anna almost ended up in the police station, because she had a loud gig on Augustenstraße. A student at arms spat in her face because she addressed him, despite the fact that he was wearing Couleur. Long afterward she was still whimpering with rage and hatred and took a sacred oath never to get involved with a gentleman again, but she could not keep this oath, because nature demanded her right. For she had nothing to eat. – Nature is a cruel mistress and gave her no quarter. And so she already began to believe only in the evil in the world, but now she was to experience an example of the existence of the opposite, indeed only a small example, but nevertheless a sign of the possibility of human culture and civilization.
From: The Eternal Philistine by Ödön von Horváth.

“Great and convincing, however, is the incidental music by the young Hamburg composer Manuel Weber, highly expressionistic string quartet movements that, played from the side boxes, clearly signal more drama, confusion and existential angst than anything that happens on stage. One would have liked to hear more of this.”

Hans-Juergen Fink

Hamburger Abendblatt, June 5, 2010

0:00 / 0:00
I. Im Park - Haltlos
III. Traum Und Wirklichkeit
IV. Die Einsamkeit Ist Wie